Révision datée du 30 mars 2021 à 15:08 par Delphine (discussion | contributions) (Created page with "→All CSS here will be loaded for users of the Timeless skin : →La totalité du CSS placé ici s’appliquera aux utilisateurs de l’habillage Timeless : colorbar { co...")
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/* All CSS here will be loaded for users of the Timeless skin */ /* La totalité du CSS placé ici s’appliquera aux utilisateurs de l’habillage Timeless */ colorbar { color: black; } h1 { color: #3D6999;#blue mhk } h2 { color: #FF6B40; } h3 { color: #FF6B40; } h4 { color: #FF6B40; } h5 { color: #FF6B40; } #mw-content-container { background-image: none } color-middle { color:#FF6B40; } color-left { color:#FF6B40; } color-right { color:#FF6B40; } /* Indefinite content width */ @media screen and (min-width: 851px) { .color-middle-container, .ts-inner { max-width: none; } } #mw-content h1.firstHeading{ color:#3D6999; } #mw-header-hack color-bar.color-middle-container { background-color:#FF6B40; } #mw-content-text { color:black } #mw-pages-links li.selected{ border-bottom-color:yellow; } #mw-content h1.firstHeading{ border-bottom:solid 4px #3D6999; } .color-middle{ background:#FF6B40; } .color-left{ background:#FF6B40; } .color-right{ background:#FF6B40; } [id^="ca-nstab-"] a { background-image: none; } #ca-talk a { background-image:none; background-image:none; } #ca-edit a { background-image: none; background-image: none; } #ca-history a { background-image:none; background-image:none; } .color-middle-container { background: #FF6B40; } .color-middle { height: 0.35em; background:#FF6B40; margin-left: 15em; margin-right: 17em; } .color-left { height: 0.35em; background:#FF6B40; width: 50%; float: left; } .color-right { display: inline-block; height: 0.35em; background:#FF6B40; width: 50%; float: right; }